
Airbrushing images of women is common practice for commercial industries (magazines, beauty, fashion) but is known to be harmful, especially to young women's developing sense of self, body image and self esteem.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Do women run the world?

In an article published in SMH today, Samantha Brett writes “With the election of the first female Prime Minister of Thailand, Yingluck Shinawatra; the first female IMF chief, Christine Lagarde; and female comedy writers with a hit film (Bridesmaids), it seems women are on top.”

I wonder if Samantha Brett has ever watched nineteenpercent’s vlog reply to Beyonce’s “Run the world (Girls)”. It seems she has missed it, given it takes almost six minutes for nineteenpercent to outline the reasons why girls don’t run the world. So compelling are the video’s arguments that the gender studies centre at Standford University created a factsheet to explore the science behind the stats. This prompted even more unlikely institutions to weigh in; Nature (the highly respected science journal) posted a discussion about whether women run the world, in their Women in Science forum.

As compelling an argument as ‘women writing a box-office hit = women run the world’, being the researcher that I am, I’ll take the word of scientists at Stanford and Nature over that of ‘relationship expert’ Samantha Brett.